A Bachelor of Arts holder and postgraduate in textile technology & valuation in Manchester, United Kingdom, Dato’ Ibrahim is also a Licentiate member of the Textile Institute. Serving in the Royal Malaysian Custom for 32 years as a Custom State Director in Kelantan and Penang before being promoted to Deputy Director General (Operations) in the Royal Customs Headquarters. Dato’ Ibrahim has vast experience in the Custom’s Threshold of Taxable Services, Sales Tax, Valuation on Imported Goods & Tariff and Taxes on ASEAN Free Trade Area.
Managing Director: BASKARAN G NAIR
Holds a Masters in Strategic Management and a first degree in Business Administration. Brings with him more than 20 years of managerial experience, in moving the Company onward, forward and upward.
A Malaysian, educated in the United States, was a Political Analyst with the Institute of Strategic and International Studies [ISIS] prior to receiving her doctorate in History & Political Science from Columbia University of New York City in 1997. Dr Alatas main areas of research and writing lies in the globalization, governance, politics, culture and foreign relations, between countries of the North and South, and between Islam and the West. Dr Alatas is presently the Director of Research & Publications at the Institute of Diplomacy & Foreign Relations [IDFR], Kuala Lumpur.